When you think of transporting cargo throughout Belize, think of the logical choice – Maya Island Air. We have the infrastructure and the network to ensure smooth transportation and delivery of dry and cold cargo, with the flexibility to meet your changing needs.
What makes us unique to the air cargo industry is our People, who consistently provide exceptional Customer Service and our flight schedule, which allows for daily, regularly scheduled deliveries to our destinations. Here are a few facts to note when using our cargo services:
- All mail and freight is subject to inspection whilst in the presence of the shipper.
- Maya Island Air does not accept currency, jewelry, precious stones, plants, precious metals, drugs or explosives for transport and assumes no liability for these if placed in mail or cargo packages.
- Cargo Agents reserve the right to inspect or decline packages appearing to be suspicious.
- Cargo Services are available Monday to Sunday from 11:00 am to 5:30 pm except on public and bank holidays where arrangements would have to be requested and approved with the front desk. Charters are also available for cargo that must be delivered at a time not offered on the regular flight schedule.
- Rates are standard for mail. Freight charges are based on the weight of the items being transported and can be paid up front or upon arrival at its destination. Oversized items are not guaranteed same day shipping and must be approved by the Cargo or Operations Manager as both the cabin and storage bay have their respective weight and space capacity.
- Cargo Agents are available to assist with loading and unloading of goods at the Cargo Terminal.
- Clients are given receipts for liability purposes and to ensure that cargo information is accurate.
For more information, contact our Cargo Department by calling (011-501) 223-3015 or 615-3082. Let your packages fly with Maya Island Air Cargo Services!
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