Whether you’re seeking a relaxing tropical getaway or an exotic jungle adventure, Belize is the ideal destination for travelers seeking a break from the ordinary. One particular portion of the country that’s sure to offer memorable experiences is Southern Belize. The Stann Creek and Toledo districts offer a wide variety of breathtaking sights and scenery to intrigue visitors simply spending a weekend, or calling the country their new home.
Here’s what you can expect with a trip down south:
The Rich Culture
Belize features a wide variety of ethnic groups, with the Maya and Garinagu being the two most prominent in Southern Belize. These groups have long preserved their rich culture through delicious food, intricate clothing, vibrant music and unique language. With a visit to the Stann Creek and Toledo districts, visitors can immerse themselves in the rich cultures of these ethnicities and more.
The Natural Beauty
There’s no shortage of natural beauty in Belize, and this includes the southern region of the country which boasts magnificent waterfalls, bewildering cave systems, flowing rivers and the lush rainforest. Adventurous travelers may choose to take a different path in Southern Belize, and tour these natural wonders that Belize has to offer.
Photos Courtesy: Belize Travel Magazine
The Spectacular Protected Reserves
It’s safe to say that Belize is eco-conscious, with many well-established reserves and sanctuaries that preserve the natural ecosystems and animal life. The Cockscomb Basin Jaguar Preserve (a sanctuary for jungle cats and other wildlife) and Gladden Spit (a protected marine reserve), are two popular preservation areas that offer visitors the opportunity to enjoy these environments without disruptions.
Photo Courtesy: Belize Audubon Society
Photo Courtesy: Ray Caye Resort
The Stunning Coastline
A breathtaking view of the Caribbean Sea isn’t exclusive to islands such as Ambergris Caye or Caye Caulker; travelers can also enjoy the cool, tropical breeze along Belize’s Southern Coastline. The most popular stretch of coast is located on the Placencia Peninsula which offers sandy beaches, hotels, restaurants and a carefree nightlife.
The Marvelous Mayan Sites
One of the most outstanding achievements of the ancient Mayan civilization is undoubtedly the ancient sites found scattered across Belize. These sites have stood strong for centuries and provide useful insight into arguably, one of the greatest and most advanced societies to have existed. Southern sites such as Nim Li Punit and Lubaantun, are open to the public to explore and appreciate the amazing craftsmanship of this proud civilization.
Photo Courtesy: Anywhere Belize
Photo Courtesy: Lonely Planet
There are many wonderful experiences awaiting the eager traveler in Southern Belize. Maya Island Air offers daily flights to nearby municipalities such as Placencia, Dangriga and Punta Gorda that act as entry ways to unforgettable adventures. Book a flight today and being your exploration of the south!