Top Travel Photos and Videos of Belize for November 2016

November may have passed, but the memories created throughout the month will surely last a lifetime. While the month presented a few rainy days, it certainly did not discourage travelers from taking a sub-tropical vacation in Belize. The month proved to be very active, with many visitors and locals ziplining among the lush, green giants of the forest, jumping for joy at the marvels of the outdoors, getting a bird’s eye view of the surroundings, or simply relaxing along the beautiful coastline. 

It just so happens that November 19th was the only day that saw a holiday celebrated – Garifuna Settlement Day, which allowed visitors to observe a reenactment of this vibrant ethnic group’s arrival to Belize. Travelers got to dance to the rhythmic beating of drums, indulge in delicious Garifuna dishes and experience all things Garinagu.

With so many travel related posts on Instagram featuring Belize this past month, it was definitely no easy task choosing our favorites. Thousands of travel photos and videos were taken, that highlighted the beauty of Belize during the past month and here’s our list of the Top Travel Photos and Videos of Belize for November 2016:

Pics of the Month

Videos of the Month

Maya Island Air Pics of the Month

As the Northern Hemisphere’s winter season approaches, Belize should be on everyone’s list as a destination to escape the cold weather. Be sure to bring along your favorite camera to capture your experience. Don’t forget that Maya Island Air offers daily flights to 9 different destinations countrywide.

Tag your travel photos with the #flymayabelize hashtag to be the “Featured Photo” in our monthly Instagram Photo/Video Blog.